किस्सागोई के क्रम में---
एक होटल ऐसा भी
दिनेश कुकरेती
बात उन दिनों की है, जब मैं पढा़ई पूरी कर संघर्ष के दौर से गुजर रहा था। लेखन हालांकि अनवरत चल रहा था, लेकिन जरूरतें यहां-वहां हाथ-पैर मारने को भी विवश कर रही थीं। मन स्थिर न होने के कारण शहरों की परिक्रमा भी जारी थी। इसी का नतीजा रहा कि न चाहते हुए भी 2000 के दशक में मैं एक फाइनेंस कंपनी के सम्मोहन में कैद हो गया। यहां कंपनी का नाम न लिखने की वजह कुछ कटु अनुभूतियां हैं। खैर! इस कंपनी की वजह से ही मुझे पहली बार हल्द्वानी जाने का मौका मिला और वहां कुछ अर्सा गुजारने का भी।
एक होटल ऐसा भी
दिनेश कुकरेती
बात उन दिनों की है, जब मैं पढा़ई पूरी कर संघर्ष के दौर से गुजर रहा था। लेखन हालांकि अनवरत चल रहा था, लेकिन जरूरतें यहां-वहां हाथ-पैर मारने को भी विवश कर रही थीं। मन स्थिर न होने के कारण शहरों की परिक्रमा भी जारी थी। इसी का नतीजा रहा कि न चाहते हुए भी 2000 के दशक में मैं एक फाइनेंस कंपनी के सम्मोहन में कैद हो गया। यहां कंपनी का नाम न लिखने की वजह कुछ कटु अनुभूतियां हैं। खैर! इस कंपनी की वजह से ही मुझे पहली बार हल्द्वानी जाने का मौका मिला और वहां कुछ अर्सा गुजारने का भी।
मेरा ठिकाना तब बडी़ मुखानी में हुआ करता था। दो कमरों में कंपनी का दफ्तर था और एक में मेरा रैन-बसेरा। लेकिन, भोजन के लिए होटलों पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता। मेरे निवास के पास ही तब एक भलेमानुस ने नया-नया होटल खोला था। सचमुच भलेमानुस ही थे वो सज्जन। मैनेजर से लेकर बर्तन मांजने तक की जिम्मेदारी खुद ही निभाते थे। होटल उन्होंने कोई अपनी खुशी से शुरू नहीं किया था, बल्कि नियति यह सब करवा रही थी। तब उन्हें रोटी बनाना तक नहीं आता था। जैसे-तैसे बना लेते थे बस। संयोग से मेरी उनसे अच्छी-खासी दोस्ती हो गई थी। सो, उन्हें रोटी बनाना भी मैंने ही सिखाया। अब मेरा रोज का खाना उन्हीं के होटल में होता था। वे मुझे बडे़ स्नेह से भोजन परोसते, मानो मैं कोई ग्राहक न होकर उन्हीं के परिवार का सदस्य होऊं। यहां तक कि वे मुझसे पैसों का तकाजा भी नहीं करते। कई बार तो एक-एक महीने बाद मैं उन्हें खाने के पैसे देता।
एक बार मजाक-मजाक में मैंने उनसे कह दिया, "भाई साहब इतनी भलमनसाहत भी अच्छी नहीं। कहीं मैंने पैसे मार दिए तो...?" तब वे आत्मीयता से बोले थे, "दाज्यू! मैंने विश्वास में अपने पूरे परिवार और नाते-रिश्ते वालों की कमाई डुबो दी। तुम पैसे नहीं भी दोगे तो समझूंगा कि छोटे भाई पर खर्च कर दिए। पर, यकीन जानो, मुझे पूरा भरोसा है कि तुम ऐसा कर ही नहीं सकते।"
मैंने उनसे पूछा कि "आपके विश्वास की वजह क्या है", तो वे बोले, "दाज्यू तुम भी उसी रास्ते पर हो, जिससे चलकर मैं यहां पहुंच गया।" मुझे कुछ समझ में नहीं आया तो वे मेरे कंधे पर हाथ रखकर बोले, "दाज्यू मैं लखनऊ यूनिवर्सिटी से अंग्रेजी में परास्नातक हूं। जेपी के आंदोलन में मैंने भी खूब लाठियां खाई हैं। जेल भी गया, पर किस्मत को तो बर्तन मंजवाने थे ना। तब मेरे पास भी कई मौके थे, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य मुझे एक फाइनेंस कंपनी की तरफ खींच ले गया। शुरू-शुरू में खूब पैसे भी कमाए। नतीजा यह हुआ कि मैंने घर के ही नहीं, तमाम नाते-रिश्ते वालों के पैसे भी कंपनी में लगा दिए। उम्मीद थी कि अच्छा रिटर्न मिलेगा तो सब खुश हो जाएंगे। पर...एक दिन उम्मीदों के सारे किले ढह गए। कंपनी सबके पैसे लेकर फरार हो गई। मैं किसी को मुंह दिखाने लायक नहीं रह गया था। सो, जीवन की राह से ही भटक गया और आज तुम्हारे सामने हूं।"
एक लंबी सांस छोड़कर उन्होंने फिर बोलना शुरू किया, "तुम्हें पता है, मैं तबसे अपने घर अल्मोड़ा तक नहीं गया। पत्नी ही यहां आती है मुझसे मिलने। अब बताओ क्या तुम मेरे रास्ते पर नहीं चल रहे हो।" मैं जानता था कि भाई साहब सच बोल रहे हैं, पर होनी को टाला भी तो नहीं जा सकता था। हां, इतना जरूर था कि मैंने नाते-रिश्ते से किसी के पैसे नहीं फंसाए। लेकिन, एक समय ऐसा भी आया कि मेरी जेब पूरी तरह खाली हो गई। नतीजा खाने की भी दो-तीन महीने की उधारी हो गई। परिस्थितियां ऐसी बनीं कि इस बीच मुझे हल्द्वानी छोड़ना पडा़। वह भी खाने का बिल चुकाए बिना। लेकिन, भाई साहब के कहे वो शब्द कि "मुझे तुझ पर पूरा भरोसा है", मेरे अंतर्मन को झकझोरते रहते थे।
मुझे हल्द्वानी छोडे़ भी दो महीने हो गए थे, सो डर लगा रहता था कि कहीं मैं उधारी को भूल न जाऊं। तभी एक दिन मुझे मेरे एक परिचित मिले, जो कुछ दिनों के लिए हल्द्वानी जा रहे थे। मैंने उन्हीं के हाथों विलंब के लिए क्षमा याचना के साथ भाई साहब के पास पैसे भिजवा दिए। लौटकर उन्हीं परिचित ने बताया कि भाई साहब पैसे ले ही नहीं रहे थे। जैसे-तैसे उलाहना देकर उन्हें पैसे थमाए। उन्होंने मुझे भाई साहब का संदेश भी दिया कि "जब मर्जी आए बेझिझक चले आना।" अफसोस कि इच्छा होने के बावजूद मुझे ऐसा मौका नहीं मिल पाया।
In order of anecdote ---
A hotel like that
Dinesh Kukreti
It is about those days when I was going through a period of struggle after completing my studies. Though the writing was going on continuously, the needs were also compelled to hit hands and feet here and there. As the mind was not stable, the revision of the cities was also going on. As a result of this, in spite of not wanting, I got caught in the hypnosis of a finance company. The reason for not writing the company name here is some bitter feeling. Well! It was because of this company that I got the opportunity to visit Haldwani for the first time and to spend some time there.
My whereabouts used to be in a big mouth. There was a company office in two rooms and in one I was housed. However, hotels had to depend on food for food. A nice hotel was opened near my residence by a good man. He was truly a gentleman. From the manager to getting the utensils, he himself played the responsibility. He did not start the hotel with his own happiness, but destiny was getting it all done. Then they did not even know how to make bread. Just like it used to be made. Incidentally, I had developed a good friendship with him. So, I also taught them to make bread. Now I used to have my daily food in his hotel. They served me food with great affection, as if I were a customer and not a member of their family. They don't even pay me money. Many times after a month I would give them food.
A hotel like that
Dinesh Kukreti
It is about those days when I was going through a period of struggle after completing my studies. Though the writing was going on continuously, the needs were also compelled to hit hands and feet here and there. As the mind was not stable, the revision of the cities was also going on. As a result of this, in spite of not wanting, I got caught in the hypnosis of a finance company. The reason for not writing the company name here is some bitter feeling. Well! It was because of this company that I got the opportunity to visit Haldwani for the first time and to spend some time there.
My whereabouts used to be in a big mouth. There was a company office in two rooms and in one I was housed. However, hotels had to depend on food for food. A nice hotel was opened near my residence by a good man. He was truly a gentleman. From the manager to getting the utensils, he himself played the responsibility. He did not start the hotel with his own happiness, but destiny was getting it all done. Then they did not even know how to make bread. Just like it used to be made. Incidentally, I had developed a good friendship with him. So, I also taught them to make bread. Now I used to have my daily food in his hotel. They served me food with great affection, as if I were a customer and not a member of their family. They don't even pay me money. Many times after a month I would give them food.

Once jokingly I told him, "Bhai saheb, it is not good enough. Even if I killed money ...?" Then he affectionately said, "Dajyu! I dipped the earnings of my entire family and relatives in the faith. If you don't give money, I will understand that you spent it on the younger brother. But, believe me, I am confident." That you can't do it. "
I asked him "what is the reason for your belief", then he said, "Dajyu you are also on the same path, by which I got here." When I did not understand anything, he placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Dajyu, I am a Masters in English from Lucknow University. I have also eaten a lot of sticks in JP's movement. He also went to jail, but luck had to get utensils." Then I too had many opportunities, but bad luck pulled me to a finance company. Initially I also made a lot of money. As a result, I invested money not only from home, but also from all the relatives. Hopefully, everyone will be happy if they get good returns. But ... One day all the fortresses of hope collapsed. The company escaped with everyone's money. I was not able to show my face to anyone. So, life's Wanded by the path and am in front of you today. "
Leaving a long breath, he started speaking again, "You know, I haven't been to Almora since then. The wife comes here to meet me. Now tell me are you not following my path." I knew that Brother Saheb is telling the truth, but even Honi could not be avoided. Yes, it was definitely that I did not throw money from anyone. But, at one time, my pocket was completely emptied. As a result, two to three months of borrowing of food also took place. Circumstances became such that in the meantime I had to leave Haldwani. That too without paying the food bill. But, the words of Bhai Sahab saying "I have full faith in you", used to shake my conscience.
It had been two months since I left Haldwani, so I was afraid that I might forget the borrowing. Then one day I met an acquaintance of mine, who was going to Haldwani for a few days. I sent money to Bhai Sahab with apologies for the delay in his hands. After returning, the same acquaintance told that brother was not taking money. As a matter of fact, he gave them money by giving a shout. He also gave me the message of Bhai Sahab that "When you come, feel free to come." Sadly, despite wishing I could not get such an opportunity.
It had been two months since I left Haldwani, so I was afraid that I might forget the borrowing. Then one day I met an acquaintance of mine, who was going to Haldwani for a few days. I sent money to Bhai Sahab with apologies for the delay in his hands. After returning, the same acquaintance told that brother was not taking money. As a matter of fact, he gave them money by giving a shout. He also gave me the message of Bhai Sahab that "When you come, feel free to come." Sadly, despite wishing I could not get such an opportunity.
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