सावधान! अंदर कुत्ता रहता है
दिनेश कुकरेती
मैंने 1990 में पहली दफा दून का दीदार किया। तब मैं ग्रेज्युएशन कर रहा था और किसी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा के सिलसिले में दून आया था। मुझे अच्छी तरह याद है, उस दौरान मैं तीन दिन अपने दोस्त के घर नेहरूग्राम में रुका था। हालांकि, मैंने परीक्षा तो नहीं दी, लेकिन शहर को खूब घूमा। खासकर पलटन बाजार, राजपुर रोड, ईसी रोड आदि स्थानों की खूबसूरती का जी-भरकर दीदार किया। तब इस शहर की खूबसूरती देखते ही बनती थी। चारों ओर नहरों का जाल बिछा था, जिनमें साफ पानी बहता था। शाम के वक्त नहरों के किनारे ठंडी हवाएं अंतर्रात्मा को प्रफुल्लित कर देतीं। वैसे इससे पहले मैं लखनऊ भी काफी घूम चुका था, लेकिन दून में जो अनुभूति हुई, वह अपने आप में अलग तरह की थी। तब शहर काफी सिमटा हुआ था। हर तरफ सड़क से लगे बाग-बागीचे नजर आते थे। ट्रैफिक भी बहुत ज्यादा नहीं था। ऐसे में सड़कों पर टहलने का आनंद ही कुछ और होता था।
महीना तो याद नहीं, पर वह इतवार का दिन था। मैं भी सुबह नौ बजे के आसपास बस पकडी़ और परीक्षा देने निकल पडा़। चुक्खूवाला के किसी विद्यालय में सेंटर पडा़ था। बस चकराता रोड की तरफ जाती थी नहीं, इसलिए कंडक्टर ने घंटाघर के पास ही उतार दिया। खैर! सेंटर नजदीक ही था, सो मैं पैदल ही उस ओर चल पडा़। थोडी़ दूर ही गया हूंगा कि अचानक मन में ख्याल आया, तैयारी तो है नहीं, खामखां क्यों तीन घंटे खराब किए जाएं।
बस! फिर क्या था, बगैर मन में तनाव लाए मैं शहर भ्रमण पर निकल गया। किधर जाना है, यह कुछ तय नहीं था, सो जिधर मन करता, राह पकड़ लेता। अब मैं एक पाश कालोनी के आगे खडा़ था। असल में वहां एक बडी़ सी कोठी के गेट पर लगे बोर्ड को पढ़कर मेरे कदम ठिठक गए थे। बोर्ड पर लिखा था, "सावधान! अंदर कुत्ते हैं।" मेरे लिए यह किसी आश्चर्य से कम न था। क्योंकि, मैं जीवन में पहली बार किसी घर के गेट पर ऐसा दुर्लभ संदेश पढ़ रहा था। मैं कभी कोठी को देखता तो कभी गेट को। लेकिन, फिर यह सोचकर कि शहरों में ऐसा हो भी सकता है, आगे बढ़ गया।
कुछ कदम चला ही था कि एक और कोठी के गेट पर लगे बोर्ड ने फिर मेरे कदम ठिठका दिए। साथ ही मेरा आश्चर्य भी बढ़ गया। लिखा था, "कुत्ते से सावधान!" थोडा़ और आगे चला तो एक और गेट पर लिखा मिला "अंदर कुत्ता है, बिना परिचय के गेट न खोलें"। मुझे यह तो इल्म था कि शहरों में कुत्ते खासे रसूखदार होते हैं, लेकिन इन सूक्त वाक्यों को पढ़कर तो ऐसा लगने लगा, मानो कुत्तों के आगे इन्सान की कोई औकात ही नहीं है।

मुझे याद आने लगा अपना गांव, जहां हर घर की चौखट के ऊपर लिखा रहता था "सुस्वागतम"। आज भी गांवों में यह सुस्वागतम की परंपरा खत्म नहीं हुई है। कुत्ते लोग गांव में भी पालते हैं, लेकिन उनका दर्जा इन्सान से ऊपर नहीं है। लेकिन, यहां तो तस्वीर ही उलटी है। लोग इन्सान से ज्यादा कुत्तों की संगत में रहना पसंद करते हैं। खासकर, ऊंची सोसायटी में तो ऐसी रिस्पेक्ट नाते-रिश्तों की नहीं होती, जैसी कि कुत्ते की। अब तो मुझे भी यह देख आश्चर्य नहीं होता, लेकिन 25-30 साल पहले की बात ही कुछ और है। तब हम आगे जरूर बढ़ रहे थे, लेकिन इतने नहीं! जितने कि आज बढ़ गए हैं। तब रिश्तों में बनावट नहीं थी, संबंधों की अहमियत थी, मुहल्ले मकानों के समूह नहीं परिवार हुआ करते थे। कुत्ते लोग तब भी पालते थे, लेकिन उन कुत्तों की समाज के प्रति एक सोच थी। वो पूरे मुहल्ले को पहचानते थे, इसलिए गेट पर उनके नाम की तख्ती लटकाने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती थी।

अब तो चाहरदीवारी में कैद रहने वाला हर कुत्ता इन्सान बन बैठा है। उसके महीने का खर्च इतना है, जितने में चार व्यक्तियों का एक सामान्य परिवार गुजर कर ले।
खैर! तब से लेकर अब तक एक लंबा अर्सा बीत चुका है। इस कालखंड में पाश ही नहीं आम कालोनियों पर भी श्वान संस्कृति पूरी तरह हावी हो गई। हां, यह जरूर है कि आम कालोनियों के कुत्ते पाश कालोनियों के कुत्तों जैसा रुतबा हासिल नहीं कर पाए, लेकिन अपने घर में तो राज इन्हीं कुत्तों का है। इतना ही नहीं कुत्तों ने लोगों की जीवनचर्या भी पूरी तरह बदलकर रख दी है।
सुबह नौ-नौ, दस-दस बजे बिस्तर छोड़ने वाला व्यक्ति भी बिना अलार्म के ब्रह्ममुहूर्त में जाग जाता है। कुत्ते को नित्य क्रियाओं से निवृत्त जो कराना है। यह अलग बात है इस व्यस्तता के बीच उसे कई बार तो खुद के नहाने का भी वक्त नहीं मिल पाता। वह बच्चों की पढा़ई-लिखाई का भले ही ध्यान न रख पाए, लेकिन डाग शो के लिए कुत्ते को अपडेट रखना उसकी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है। नाक का सवाल जो है, शो में कुत्ते से जरा भी ऊंच-नीच हो गई तो सोसायटी में नजरें मिलाना मुश्किल हो जाएगा। लोग मजाक उडा़एंगे कि, देखो! फलाने के कुत्ते में इतनी भी तहजीब नहीं है।
आपको मेरी ये तमाम बातें मजाक लग सकती हैं। आप यह भी कह सकते हो कि खाली दिमाग शैतान का घर। पर मितरों, यकीन जानिए कि सांस्कृतिक उन्नयन के इस दौर में वह कुत्ता ही है, जिसने हमें समाज में नजरें मिलाने का हौसला दिया है। आप घर में एक लाख रुपये कीमत की गाय पाल लीजिए। आपकी हैसियत ग्वाले की ही रहेगी। चाहे आप दूध बेचकर हजारों क्यों न कमा रहे हों। लेकिन, अगर आपने घर में पांच-दस हजार रुपये कीमत का भी कुत्ता पाल लिया तो समझ लीजिए आप शहंशाह हो गए।
कहने का मतलब आपको रसूख की जिंदगी जीनी है तो जैसे भी हो, एक कुत्ता पाल लीजिए। फिर भला वह लेंडी यानी स्लम डाग ही क्यों न हो। उसके लिए पेट काटना पडे़ तो काटिए। हफ्ते-दस दिन में व्रत-उपवास रखना पडे़ तो रखिए। लेकिन, मेहरबानी कर कुत्ता जरूर पालिए। अपनी संस्कृति को बचाने के लिए इतनी कुर्बानी तो हमें देनी ही पडे़गी।
Careful! Dog lives inside
Dinesh Kukreti
I first saw Doon Ka Deen in 1990. Then I was doing graduation and came to Doon in connection with a competitive exam. I remember well, during that time I stayed in my friend's house in Nehrugram for three days. However, I did not take the exam, but roamed the city a lot. Especially Paltar Bazar, Rajpur Road, EC Road etc. the beauty of the places was given a lot of enthusiasm. Then the beauty of this city was made soon. A network of canals was spread all around, in which clean water flowed. In the evening, the cold winds along the canals would make the soul swell. By the way, I had also visited Lucknow a lot before, but the feeling in Doon was different in itself. The city was very limited then. Gardens and gardens were seen on every side of the road. There was not much traffic either. In such a situation, the pleasure of walking on the streets was something else.
I don't remember the month, but it was Sunday. I also caught the bus around 9 o'clock in the morning and had to leave for the exam. A center was located in a school in Chukkhuwala. The bus did not go towards Chakrata road, so the conductor took off near the clock tower. Well! The center was close by, so I walked towards it on foot. I have gone a little too far that I suddenly got a thought in my mind that there is no preparation, why should the silence be spoiled for three hours.
Bus! What was it then, without stressing my mind, I went on a city tour. Where it had to go, it was not decided, so wherever it is, it would have caught the path. Now I was standing in front of a loop colony. In fact, after reading the board at the gate of a big kothi, my steps were stopped. The board read, "Be careful! There are dogs inside." For me it was nothing short of a surprise. Because, for the first time in my life, I was reading such a rare message at the gate of a house. I would sometimes see a kothi and sometimes a gate. But then, thinking that this could happen in cities, he moved forward.
A few steps had gone by that the board at the gate of another Kothi again stopped my steps. My surprise increased as well. Wrote, "Beware of dogs!" Walking a little further, another gate was written saying "There is a dog inside, do not open the gate without introduction". I used to know that dogs are very influential in cities, but after reading these Suktam sentences, it seems as if there is no human presence in front of dogs.
I started remembering my village, where I used to say "Welcome" above the doorpost of every house. Even today the tradition of this welcome is not over in the villages. Dogs also breed in the village, but their status is not above that of humans. But, here the picture is the opposite. People like to be in the company of dogs more than humans. Especially, in high society, there is no such relationship-relationship as that of a dog. Now I am not surprised to see this too, but 25-30 years ago, it is something else. Then we were definitely moving forward, but not so much! As many have increased today. Then there was no structure in the relationship, the importance of the relationship was, the families were not groups of neighborhood houses. Dogs were still reared by people, but those dogs had a thinking towards society. He used to recognize the entire locality, so there was no need to hang the plate on his name.
It can also be said that the variety of dogs had not changed, that is, they had not become humans. Now every dog that is imprisoned in the boundary has become a human. The cost of his month is as much as a normal family of four. Well! A long time has passed since then. In this period, not only the loop, but the common colonies also completely dominated the Schwann culture. Yes, it is definitely that the dogs of common colonies could not achieve the status like the dogs of loop colonies, but the rule of these dogs is in their house. Not only this, dogs have also completely changed the lifestyle of people.
At nine to ten in the morning, the person who leaves the bed also wakes up in Brahmamuhurta without alarm. The dog has to be retired from regular activities. It is a different matter that in the midst of this busyness, he often does not get time to even bathe himself. He may not be able to take care of the children's education, but it is his moral responsibility to keep the dog updated for the dog show. The question of the nose is, if the dog gets too low in the show, then it will be difficult to see the society. People will joke that, look! The soaring dog does not have that much experience.
You may find all these things funny to me. You can also say that the empty mind is the devil's house. But friends, know that in this phase of cultural upliftment, it is the dog who has given us the courage to be seen in the society. Take a cow worth one lakh rupees at home. Your status will be that of the cowherd. Even if you are earning thousands by selling milk. But, if you have taken a dog worth five-ten thousand rupees in the house, then you understand that you have become a Emperor.
To say that if you want to live a life of happiness, however, take a dog. Then why should that land be a slum dog. If you have to cut your stomach, cut it. If you have to keep fasting for a week or ten days, keep it fast. But, please take care of the dog. To save our culture, we have to give so much sacrifice.
Careful! Dog lives inside
Dinesh Kukreti

I don't remember the month, but it was Sunday. I also caught the bus around 9 o'clock in the morning and had to leave for the exam. A center was located in a school in Chukkhuwala. The bus did not go towards Chakrata road, so the conductor took off near the clock tower. Well! The center was close by, so I walked towards it on foot. I have gone a little too far that I suddenly got a thought in my mind that there is no preparation, why should the silence be spoiled for three hours.
Bus! What was it then, without stressing my mind, I went on a city tour. Where it had to go, it was not decided, so wherever it is, it would have caught the path. Now I was standing in front of a loop colony. In fact, after reading the board at the gate of a big kothi, my steps were stopped. The board read, "Be careful! There are dogs inside." For me it was nothing short of a surprise. Because, for the first time in my life, I was reading such a rare message at the gate of a house. I would sometimes see a kothi and sometimes a gate. But then, thinking that this could happen in cities, he moved forward.
A few steps had gone by that the board at the gate of another Kothi again stopped my steps. My surprise increased as well. Wrote, "Beware of dogs!" Walking a little further, another gate was written saying "There is a dog inside, do not open the gate without introduction". I used to know that dogs are very influential in cities, but after reading these Suktam sentences, it seems as if there is no human presence in front of dogs.
I started remembering my village, where I used to say "Welcome" above the doorpost of every house. Even today the tradition of this welcome is not over in the villages. Dogs also breed in the village, but their status is not above that of humans. But, here the picture is the opposite. People like to be in the company of dogs more than humans. Especially, in high society, there is no such relationship-relationship as that of a dog. Now I am not surprised to see this too, but 25-30 years ago, it is something else. Then we were definitely moving forward, but not so much! As many have increased today. Then there was no structure in the relationship, the importance of the relationship was, the families were not groups of neighborhood houses. Dogs were still reared by people, but those dogs had a thinking towards society. He used to recognize the entire locality, so there was no need to hang the plate on his name.
It can also be said that the variety of dogs had not changed, that is, they had not become humans. Now every dog that is imprisoned in the boundary has become a human. The cost of his month is as much as a normal family of four. Well! A long time has passed since then. In this period, not only the loop, but the common colonies also completely dominated the Schwann culture. Yes, it is definitely that the dogs of common colonies could not achieve the status like the dogs of loop colonies, but the rule of these dogs is in their house. Not only this, dogs have also completely changed the lifestyle of people.
At nine to ten in the morning, the person who leaves the bed also wakes up in Brahmamuhurta without alarm. The dog has to be retired from regular activities. It is a different matter that in the midst of this busyness, he often does not get time to even bathe himself. He may not be able to take care of the children's education, but it is his moral responsibility to keep the dog updated for the dog show. The question of the nose is, if the dog gets too low in the show, then it will be difficult to see the society. People will joke that, look! The soaring dog does not have that much experience.
You may find all these things funny to me. You can also say that the empty mind is the devil's house. But friends, know that in this phase of cultural upliftment, it is the dog who has given us the courage to be seen in the society. Take a cow worth one lakh rupees at home. Your status will be that of the cowherd. Even if you are earning thousands by selling milk. But, if you have taken a dog worth five-ten thousand rupees in the house, then you understand that you have become a Emperor.
To say that if you want to live a life of happiness, however, take a dog. Then why should that land be a slum dog. If you have to cut your stomach, cut it. If you have to keep fasting for a week or ten days, keep it fast. But, please take care of the dog. To save our culture, we have to give so much sacrifice.